Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fun Allowed!

     Although the reading room where I am sitting now is packed with silent students pouring over documents, laptops, and papers--on a Sunday evening no less--everyone deserves a little fun now and then.  But maybe not the kind of fun you associate with US college campuses.

     Although I can't know how students live in private, outwardly India is a conservative country.  Most women dress conservatively--I'm not sure how the sari fits into that with the exposed back and side, but it is considered a conservative dress.  The popular kurta is typically loose fitting and covers the upper arms, the bright tunic with jeans loosely covers most of the body, shorts and short skirts are generally unseen, and I have not seen any exposed cleavage.  Many wear long scarves and the female Muslim students cover their hair with simple cotton scarves.

Research student from Delhi at Pongle harvest festival
     The female students said that almost no women drink alcohol, and I have seen only two men smoking in all our travels throughout the city.  Yesterday I saw two liquor stores near the campus, but they are the first I have seen.

     Even the first-class business hotel where we stayed for the first five days had no bar in the main part of the hotel.  We noticed a private party with dancing and drinks in a banquet area, but the fridge in the hotel rooms had no bottle for sale.  

The Fern, business hotel blocks from the US Embassy. 
     So if there are no frat parties or twofers at the local pub, what are people doing for fun?  We attended a Harvest holiday celebration with food, music, and games put on by the student government.  I see students playing basketball, cricket, soccer, but most of all, chatting, strolling, eating, talking in the balmy Indian breeze. 


  1. Don't forget the traditional cultural taboos on consuming alcohol or tobacco in public as bringing dishonor to one's family, or the fact that with so many of India's population still in poverty (what Gandhi most wanted to combat), consuming the luxuries of tobacco or alcohol is just that, a luxury. Those conservative college students you see are those that can afford to attend college, and are under an immense amount of pressure to perform and represent their families, communities and traditional social rank.

  2. Fun allowed is a great summary 0f how the women dress and how they'll dress in, "comfortable" clothes. they wear loose clothing and jeans and it's very uncommon for women to wear short shorts and almost never, women being seen showing there cleavage. "?Women don't drink alcohol" that surprised me the most.

  3. Reading that "Women don't drink" is quite honestly a surprise and especially that you only ever saw 2 smokers in the city. In Today's age you don't have to look very far for someone who is drinking or smoking because it's more common here in the U.S

  4. What surprised you? The part about the dress and how it showed more skin than usual.
    What are you reminded of in your own experience with this entry?
    I really don't have an experience like this.
    What would you like to know more about:
    I think since its more of a conservative thing, what do they do for fun and what is allowed and what isnt.

  5. what is most surprising is that women don't drink and wearing sari with exposed back and sides which is weird but the other side Muslim women's cover their whole body. and other thing the smoking which strange.
